People attacked Turkey’s embassy in Copenhagen with Molotov cocktails early Monday, causing damage to the exterior of the building.
People attacked Turkey’s embassy in Copenhagen with Molotov cocktails early Monday, causing damage to the exterior of the building.
The revolution of Rojava is going through her darkest hours. Despite worldwide and restless actions of Millions and countless acts of militant resistance in solidarity with the struggle of Afrin the rulers of this world decided to slaughter the people in Rojava. Today the fascist turkish army and their islamist mercenaries entered the city of Afrin.
We are not shocked. We are furious. We showed in the last weeks that we are ready to risk everything to save this revolution. Now it is the time to spread the heroic resistance of YPJ/YPG and the people of Afrin in the most radical way all over the world. Now is the time to light up the Newroz fires right in the heart of the beast. In these fires our furious, determination and hope will shine.
Now, we will take the war against turkish fascism and his supporters on the streets of the metropols. We will defend our hopes and attack everyone who is part of this plot against Afrin. Whatever might be necessary, we will stop this war right now!
Rise up for Afrin and the revolution of Rojava!
Death to turkish fascism and his collaborators!
War against war!
18th of March 2018
fight4afrin communique I – 14.03.18
Seit 54 Tagen tragen Menschen diesen Krieg zurück an die Orte, an dener er gebilligt, verschwiegen, unterstützt und ermöglicht wird. Bei mehr als 70 Aktionen in 9 verschiedenen Ländern wurden die Profiteure dieses Krieges, die Hetzer und geistigen Brandstifter zur Rechenschaft gezogen.
Sobald die erste türkische Fahne über Afrin weht, werden wir zu einer neuen Phase des Widerstandes übergehen. Sollten die faschistischen Truppen der AKP/MHP/ISIS/Al Nusra auch nur einen Fuß in die Stadt Afrin setzen, werden wir unsere weltweiten Aktionen qualitativ und quantitativ auf eine neue Stufe heben. Wir rufen Alle in Solidarität mit den Menschen in Afrin dazu auf, die bisherigen Aktionen in all ihrer Vielfältigkeit und Radikalität fortzuführen, zu intensivieren und für den Fall des Einmarsches in die Stadt alle notwendigen Vorbereitungen zu treffen.
Communique I – 14.03.18
Until now, in more than 70 actions in 9 different countries, the agitators and intellectual arsonists of this war, aswell as the ones who profit from it, were called to account. Different revolutionary groups and structures are accomplishing their historical responsibilities, and have joined our call and actions. We send them our fiercest greetings….
Answering the first call of fight4afrin, at least 22 acts of resistance have been carried out against fascist institutions and their supporters. Government parties, centers of fascist propaganda, arms companies and their financial partners, police, army and other NATO structures were among our targets. Fire against MIT agents in France, against fascist propaganda institutions of the DITIB and against NATO army vehicles in Germany, against the Turkish consulate in Greece, against the arms company Leonardo-Finmeccanica in Italy. These and many other actions, such as attacks against banks and against the capital that made this war possible, are some examples of what we are able to do….