Attack aginst ‘Pierburg GmbH’ in Berlin / Germany

Factory of Rheinmetall subsidiary ‘Pierburg GmbH’ in Berlin Wedding in the Night of 11.03.2018 attacked. Factory in the Siemensstrasse 2 with numerous green-red-yellow paint bottles pelted and marked.

Explanation: ‘With every day of the war in Afrin our hatred for the Mendacity of the German state. Without the German support there is no fascism in Turkey. If the German state this If support does not stop, our resistance will continue.
The German defense industry is a natural and legitimate one Target. Biji berxwedana Afrinê! ‘

In the morning, activities blocked the entrance of the fabric:

On twitter

Attack Against a Commerzbank in Hamburg / Germany

Attack Against a Commerzbank Branch in Solidarity with the Afrin Resistance

For more than 50 days, the comrades have resisted the imperialist troops of Turkey. For over 50 days, people have been killed by German weapons in Afrin. For more than 50 days, Germany and the world have been silent about the fascist attacks against the Rojava project.

To break this silence we attacked the Commerzbank branch on Hamburger Strasse. We smashed their windows and left painted slogans. The Commerzbank profit from their investments in defense companies, such as Kraus-Maffei Wegmann (KMW), and from the war in Afrin. The Leopard 2 tank was produced by KMW along with many other German companies. Now the Leopard 2 is used against the Rojava project to quell the Revolution.

Lets take action in the heart of imperialism to give wars worlwide a respite.

Long live the resistance of Afrin.



Several cars burned at fascist car dealer in Gütersloh-Spexard / Germany

Early in the morning on 12.03 we placed incendiaries under the vehicles at the side of the company builing and disappeared unrecognized into the darkness of the night. Three vehicles were burned out completely, others were badly damaged by the fire. We noticed with regret that the fire we started was not enough to take out the company’s warehouse. Nevertheless, we were pleased to read that it caused about 75000 euros in property damage.

We join the #Fight4Afrin militant campaign called for by the autonomous groups and greet all the comrades and friends who have used the past nights to vent their hatred and anger against the massacres of the fascist Turkish State and its accomplices and make an irreconcilable expression.

Continue reading “Several cars burned at fascist car dealer in Gütersloh-Spexard / Germany”

Call for Action in Italian: Se Afrin cadrà…. sarà troppo tardi!

Per più di 6 settimane abbiamo dovuto assistere all’attacco e l’occupazione da parte dello Stato turco e insieme a gruppi islamisti come ISIS e Al-Qaeda di Afrin, il cantone più a ovest del Rojava. In questa campagna di sterminio, gli invasori non si trattengono né dal ricorrere al bombardamento deliberato di civili né dall’usare armi chimiche. I mercenari islamisti e i soldati turchi fascisti lasciano una scia di devastazione, saccheggio, stupro e omicidio, praticano una pulizia etnica del territorio curdo. Finora più di 300 civili e molti militanti hanno dato la vita, decine di villaggi sono stati distrutti e centinaia di migliaia di persone hanno dovuto lasciare le loro case.

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Call in Polish: Jeśli Afrin upadnie … będzie za późno

Thanks to the friends from czarnateoria

Jeśli Afrin upadnie … będzie za późno

Od ponad 6 tygodni obserwujemy atak i okupację przez państwo tureckie, wraz z grupami islamistycznymi, takimi jak ISIS i Al-Kaida, Afrin, najbardziej zachodniego kantonu Rożawy. W tej kampanii eksterminacji najeźdźcy nie powstrzymują się od celowego bombardowania ludności cywilnej ani użycia broni chemicznej. Islamscy najemnicy i faszystowscy żołnierze tureccy zostawiają po sobie spustoszenie, grabieże, gwałty i morderstwa, dokonują czystek etnicznych na terytorium Kurdów. Jak dotąd, ponad 300 cywilów i wielu bojowników oddało życie, dziesiątki wiosek zostało zniszczonych, a setki tysięcy ludzi musiało opuścić swoje domy.

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Call in Greek: Εάν πέσει το Αφρίν …

… τότε θα είναι ήδη αργά !

Για πάνω από 6 εβδομάδες παρακολουθούμε την επίθεση (και κατοχή) του Τουρκικού κράτους και των Τζιχαντιστικών συμμοριών του Ισλαμικού Κράτους και της Αλ Κάιντα εναντίον του δυτικότερου καντονιού της Ροζάβα, του Αφρίν. Σε αυτή την αποστολή εξολόθρευσης, οι εισβολείς δεν διστάζουν ούτε να βομβαρδίσουν αμάχους, ούτε να χρησιμοποιήσουν χημικά όπλα. Οι ισλαμιστές μισθοφόροι αφήνουν πίσω τους καμμένη γη, καταστροφή, λεηλασία, βιασμούς. Διαπράττουν μια εθνοκάθαρση των κουρδικών εδαφών. Μέχρι τώρα πάνω από 300 άμαχοι και πολλοί μαχητ@ς έχουν χάσει την ζωή τους. Δεκάδες χωριά έχουν καταστραφεί και εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες άνθρωποι αναγκάστηκαν να φύγουν από τα σπίτια τους.

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Mobi Video: 50 days revenge for Afrîn

Zum 50. Tag des historischen Widerstandes gegen den faschistischen, türkischen Staat in Efrîn hier ein kurzes Mobi Video. (von RojaCiwan)

Seit nun 50 Tagen leisten die heldenhaften KämpferInnen der YPG/YPJ Widerstand gegen die zweitgrößte NATO Armee. Während die türkische Besatzerarmee gemeinsam mit djihadistischen Gruppen von El-Nusra und IS in Efrîn ein Massaker anrichtet, sind überall auf der Welt Menschen auf der Straße um sich mit dem Widerstand zu solidarisieren. Auch kurdische und internationalistische Jugendliche in Europa haben eine Reihe radikaler Aktionen gemacht und angekündigt, diese noch auszuweiten, sollte der völkerrechtswidrige Angriffskrieg der Türkei nicht umgehend gestoppt werden.

Apoistic youth joins the call for actions at the 12th of March

Die apoistische Jugendinitiative hat in einer schriftlichen Erklärung bekannt gegeben, dass sie sich den radikalen Aktion die von den radikalen Europas angekündigt worden ist, anschließen werden. Sie rufen alle dazu auf radikalere und organisiertere Aktionen, im Herzen des Kapitalismus für die Freiheit Efrîns, durchzuführen.

The call in English: Apoist Youth Initiative – ‘Bring the War in Afrin to the Streets of Europe on 12.03.18!’

Continue reading “Apoistic youth joins the call for actions at the 12th of March”

If Afrin falls

… it will have been too late!

We call on Monday, 12.3.2018 to start with this militant campaign wherever we can hit the rulers: Radical, creative and courageous, involve you and organize local actions as a prelude to a resistance that will show the powerful of this world that Afrin is not alone. Like the people of Rojava, we also say: “Together we will fight, together we will lose, or together we will win”.

Long live the international solidarity!

Our Call for Action is also public in

Germa: Wenn Afrin fällt… wird es zu spät gewesen sein!

France: Si Afrin tombe … il sera trop tard!

and Spanish: Si Afrin cae… será demasiado tarde